Editing advanced options

To edit the advanced options, you need a text editor. ( Avoid using Windows notepad ).
You can use NotePad++, VSCodium or SciTE.

The configuration file can be found here: C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Valley of the Predators
To find it easily, in the address bar of the file explorer, enter: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Valley of the Predators
Or press the ‘Windows-R’ key combination, then enter: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Valley of the Predators

The file is created/updated each time the game is started. If it becomes corrupted, simply delete it, and it will be recreated.

Next, you need to edit the custom.ini file. This file contains a lot of variables that can be used to modify the avatar configuration ( change shapes, … )

The format used is the following:
VariableName = Value

The name starts with the variable type:

  • b: boolean
  • i: number ( integer )
  • f: number ( floating point )

For boolean variables, the following are valid: 0, 1, false, true
Everything after a ; is ignored

For example, to change the chances of getting pregnant, for the MC:
You need to change the value ( in green ) to 0.5, to have only a 50% chance of getting pregnant.

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